
About Names and Addresses

1. I think that feelings, emotions and facial expressions are same all over the world. There might be a few differences in them, but I think aimost same.

2. 楽しい(happy)  悲しい(sad)  怖い(scare) 嬉しい(glad)  怒る(angly) イライラする(nerves)  退屈な(boring)  興奮する(exciting)  疲れる(tired)  驚く(suprise)  ショックを受ける(shock)  不安(worry)

3. 「むかつく」
I often say this word.  I think that the significance of this word looks like the meaning of 「イライラする」.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hello:)

    I often say "むかつく", too.
    I think the meaning of this word in English like "be disgusted".

    It is hard for me to translate Japanese into English.

  2. Hi,
    I agree with you :)
    I often use むかつく and うざい,too.
    But I cannot translate these word in English.
