
About Politics and Reflections

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities?
If I have more the ability at English, I want to be a cabin crew because it is possible to go all over the world. I want to travel worldwide and to mix well with people in various countries. For example, I want to go England, Australia and Canada especially.


About Dating Practices

I can not stick the graph to my blog, so I introduce to my ideal partner's characteristics without the graph. So sorry....

personality 40%
income 15%
compatibility (相性) 30%
respect 15%

≪personality≫ I like manly man, and I hate effeminate man. I think that the man should always be strong. For example, I like men that like "kyuushuudanji" and "teishukanpaku".

≪incomes≫ It is not so important for me, but money is necessary for living.

≪compatibility (相性)≫ Compatibility is very important for associating. My ideal is a man who can relax each other when we spend time together.

≪respect≫ I want to marry the respectable man. The respectable man is so cool for me.

This is my ideal partner's characteristics. I never choose the partner by the looks. How do you think about it? My boyfriend is not so good looks, but he is the only man who fills all my ideals. Therefore, I love him:) I'm sorry for talking fondly about our love.


About Names and Addresses

1. I think that feelings, emotions and facial expressions are same all over the world. There might be a few differences in them, but I think aimost same.

2. 楽しい(happy)  悲しい(sad)  怖い(scare) 嬉しい(glad)  怒る(angly) イライラする(nerves)  退屈な(boring)  興奮する(exciting)  疲れる(tired)  驚く(suprise)  ショックを受ける(shock)  不安(worry)

3. 「むかつく」
I often say this word.  I think that the significance of this word looks like the meaning of 「イライラする」.